It's my hope that publishing my notes from my time recovering from Cipro Toxicity may help others who have been floxed, or medical professionals learning about it.
These are my experiences, which I wrote - offline - as they happened. Everyone's experiences are different though.
Things had been going really well for my floxxing since my surgery, and frankly... I had bigger fish to fry.
Recovering from cancer surgery is bad enough, but I woke up with half my lower body completely numb - and the numbness has been lingering, albeit to a lesser degree - for the past 3 and a half months.
Today I went for my first massage since covid hit, hoping that he could help the numbness - pinched nerve - and maybe give me some insight on my right achilles tendon, which had been bothering me lately.
Loud snaps, for the most part - not really any pain. I’ve been doing the Gazelle for up to an hour a day - 20-30 minutes at a time.
Getting up on the table, I kind of rolled my right ankle in a weird way, and felt a snap. Brief moment of pain, that was it.
The massage went well, he said he couldn’t feel anything obviously wrong with the achilles... and that if there was any major fraying, he’d feel it.
SO that was good news.
He recommended continuing to use the instability cushion, NO sand walking yet.
Went grocery shopping this morning, no problems at all. Shin started aching later this evening.
Something weird is happening with my right foot.
The toe hurts, I can’t really flex it backwards... but I can press on it, so it doesn’t look like gout.
The outside of my right shin is in rough shape, so I’m assuming it’s referred pain.
Today it started looking like gout - it’s red around my big toe, and hurts to touch it.
It still doesn’t hurt anywhere near as much as gout did, so maybe it’s a mild flare?
When I went to bed tonight, I slept with my foot hanging off the end of a wedge pillow, face down.
Hoped that would help.
The weight of the blanket was too much to take - not in a gout sense though - it was painful pulling on my foot.
I had to kick it off to try to sleep.
Woke up this morning in a HELLISH amount of pain - I didn’t sleep at all last night.
I thought it was a gout flare, but the pain was all in my ankle - right inside front ankle.
I can’t flex my ankle or put any weight on it at all. The pain is excruciating.
I figured I had dislocated it in my sleep, trying to avoid gout pain.
Saw the chiropractor this morning, it went poorly.
I had hoped he could just grab it and yank it into place, but he said it was super inflamed, and “mush”.
He iced it, rubbed my shin a bit said it was the tendon in my ankle... grabbed my arm and said he’d pray for me.
The ankle pain is so bad, I can’t even feel pain coming from the toe.
Even just lifting my foot up (as it rests on the couch) hurts.
I’m not having any “the sheet is touching my toe” pain, but if I move my foot at all, it’s horrible pain through my ankle.
Started taking T3s today.
The pain was so bad tonight, I had to crawl up the stairs on my hands and knees. Slept in a brace tonight.
Woke up having slept through the night. The foot felt a little better- I could move it without screaming - but I was completely unable to bear weight on it.
Had to scoot down the stairs on my butt this morning.
Rented a walker. The pain is more manageable today, but I’m completely unable to bear any weight on it. Slept in a brace again tonight.
Woke up COMPLETELY unable to put any weight on the foot.
Had to crawl to the top of the stairs, scoot down on my butt, and hop onto the knee scooter.
I haven’t pooped in 2 days. Going to need to lay off the T3s.
For clarity, by unable to bear weight, my foot will not flex to 90 degrees.
I am unable to flex it back at all, on my own - this is how the chiropractor knew it was tendon - and the pain is in the ankle and top of foot when I try to step on it.
It wants to rest in sort of a flat/pointed position. I try to flex it back a bit as I ice it, though.
Some improvement today.
I only took a tylenol in the morning, and no other painkillers beyond that.
There wasn’t a lot of pain when resting, only when moving it. Slept without a wedge or brace.
Woke up in so much pain, I thought I was going to throw up. Whole foot is swollen. I did sleep about 7 hours though - with no medication - so that’s good at least.
Also, it’s definitely not gout, so I guess I’ve got that going for me.
Maybe I don’t even have gout anymore? It’s been a few years since I had a flare of THAT.
God I hate my body.
Got the flu shot today. No problem so far!
I hate how even the most normal things from BEFORE being floxed are now all potential flare triggers.
My Floxed Timeline
For the first year and a half or so, I kept a regular diary of symptoms and improvements. Here are the links to those posts:
The First 24 Hours
The First Month
The Second Month
Month 3
Month 5 Check-in
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
Month 13
Month 14
Month 15
Month 16
Month 17
Months 18-20
Months 28-32
Months 33-38
...After the 20th month, things started to turn a corner. I stopped writing in my Cipro diary, and started blogging about my recovery - and I DO seem to be in actual recovery, now. (After month 28, I started compiling Facebook posts into timeline updates, here.)
You can see more recent updates under my Cipro category, and under my Walking, Hiking, & Scenery category.
A lot of my "therapy" after the 20th month has been just walking and hiking, and I've been making HUGE progress!
I've also written a post on what helped me heal from fluoroquinolone toxicity, in the hopes that it'll help others.
Also, you can see how I'm doing in general by seeing the All Blog Posts category.
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