This morning I discovered that Ontario has adult figure skating competitions. (I'd been told that Canada discontinued adult competitions)
Taking a minute to go through mentally working out just how much work would have to happen in order for me to be able to skate.
I don't even know if I could wear my skates, without it triggering a gout attack.
Flying spins - my favourite - are banned from what I would assume to be my level, though. BOO.
Still... I can still smell the rink air - in my head - from that trip to Don Cherry's a few months ago.
I should probably see if going back is even a possibility.
In some weird timing, my Spoonflower sample order arrived this morning.
A while back - like two months, maybe? - I got it in my head to recreate the plaid fabric design from my last competition dress, from like... 1997?
The sample arrived today, and it was PERFECT:

Couldn't wait, tore into that package right there in my car!
I dunno, that arriving just a couple hours after I learned about competitions being a thing for adults here... feels like a sign.
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