So, quick update here, because I'm not supposed to be looking at screens:
I'm alive!
It's 11:30, and this is the first time I've been up and AWAKE-awake since 3pm yesterday.
I've been awake for like 5-10 minutes at a time every hour or two, aside from 7 straight hours overnight.
My head hurts. My neck hurts. I'm super dizzy when I move.
I think I jinxed myself a few weeks ago. I was reading a thread in a skating group about wearing helmets, and thought to myself "HOW would one even hit their head skating, short of doing pairs?".
Now I know. Whoops.
In my defense, I was a very reckless skater in my teens, never once hit my head.
Porter, as always had been a total Angel. Checks in on me frequently, brings me tea, buttered bread, and grapes (literally the most exotic flavours I can handle at the moment), rubs my neck, etc.
Couldn't ask for better home care, LOL.
So that's it. Going back offline, because even the dimmest setting on my phone is seeming brighter than the brightest setting normally does.

I.. don't actually remember these being put on? Noticed them the next day!
Update: April 14, 2019
I'm not convinced that I have a full concussion.
I only have about half the symptoms, nonev of the really serious ones and - aside from a TON of pain in my neck - I feel more like myself again.
No more headache, the (extra) light sensitivity is gone, etc.
So, we're lifting the screen restriction, and will re-evaluate if it seems to bother me.
In the meantime, I'm mostly just trying to figure out what happened.
Piecing together what Porter told me, I only have what happened from about the moment of impact.
I've been trying to CSI my way into understand how I feel like that, and all I can figure is that somehow I have to have really taken some air... Which doesn't make sense for what I was doing.
If you're interested in all the gruesome details:
I was doing one foot sculling, forward. Porter was in front of me, but saw me fall from the corner of his eye.
Apparently, I was moving, so he went to get my glasses, which had flown 15' away. (I've fallen a bunch of times without them coming off my face!).
As he approached me, he saw that I was unconscious, with my tongue out, and it looked like I wasn't breathing.
He worked on getting me to breathe and after about being ten seconds, I started making gurgling sounds.
The others called for help.
He says I started to regain consciousness and asked what happened about every 20 seconds. I was trying to get up, they were making me relax.
After a while, I wanted to get off the ice, so they helped me turn over, and I crawled off the ice.
And this is where I actually start remembering things. As far as MY memory goes, I was skating, then I was crawling off the ice. So, that's kind of messed up.
The EMTs were super nice, especially considering that I freaked out at the mention of needing a scan. (I had an MRI last year that went poorly - Sensory meltdown.)
I think that's about it. My neck is all kinds of screwed up, probably lost another million brain cells, but I'm ok.
Porter is amazing, btw. He was even unscrewing light bulbs on Friday, to make things more tolerable. Didn't even have to ask. (Not sure I would have thought of that solution anyway!)
Updete: April 15, 2019
I was looking at my camera, and saw the outfit I'd laid out before going skating the other day:
I felt so badass wearing this, and THIS is what I wore when I knocked myself out.
Seems funny, somehow.
Update: April 16, 2019
Ok, I was wrong, it's definitely a concussion. That one good day was nice, but then I went back into sleeping a lot, probably killing my liver or kidneys with massive doses of Tylenol, and generally feeling gross - dizzy, pukey, and tired.
I have no idea when I'll be back out on the ice.
The dizziness is lifting a bit, but it's been coming and going, basically faking me out a few times.
"Oh, so much better today! Progress!", Then 1 hour later "nooooopppe!".
Hopefully won't be too much longer. I'd been intending on starting work on jumps that day, didn't get the chance 🙁
Update: April 26, 2019
At a rink for the first time since my accident (2 weeks ago today!)- hubby's skating lesson.
You know, arena lighting is hard enough on my #ActuallyAutistic eyes as it is, nevermind post-concussion aut eyes!
Sunglasses it is!
Update: April 27, 2019
Bought a couple Halos today, because I'm not super interested in repeating that concussion bullshit.
Hubby puts it on and immediately goes "OK! NOW HIT ME WITH A STICK! LIKE DARWIN!"
Oh, the geek life, LOL.
Hoping to get my doctor's ok on Monday to start skating again.
It'll just be figures - IF that - but at least it's something.
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