This was first posted on Facebook on 12/4/2023. Decided to post it here, after a few requests to share it.
So I've noticed a bit of a trend lately, of people getting really frustrated at their skating, tests, competitions, etc etc.
So, let me provide a bit of a reality check...
This is a sport that is definitely geared around younger bodies.
Each and every one of you - but ESPECIALLY those that started at adults - who get there and even TRY?
You don't have to win. You don't have to pass every test.
You're showing up, and you're attempting to do things on ice - WITH KNIVES ON YOUR FEET - that most people would never even dream of doing.
I know it's easy to look at others and feel down in comparison... But I recommend you look the other way.
I remember when I was a kid and just getting started in skating, the other kids at school thought that even the most simple things were WILD.
And those were young kids, with young bodies, that were more suited for doing this kind of thing.
Don't forget, most people can't skate, period. Of those who can, many can't - and never will - skate backward, etc.
You might get frustrated that your bunny hop or Waltz jump isn't as high as some random 6 year old at your rink... But YOU ARE LEAVING THE ICE.
Even if you're not leaving the ice, and you're struggling with steps, turns, or whatever - MOST people can't glide on one foot.
Celebrate yourself!
I cannot imagine the courage it would have to take to take up figure skating as an adult.
I CANNOT wrap my head around getting dressed up for a competition or test day, as an adult that wasn't conditioned for figure skating nonsense as a kid.
When you take a test or do a competition, you're exhibiting a level of "brave" that I guarantee you the vast majority of people you know will NEVER live.
If you botch a step or get a crappy judge that day... Oh well.
Maybe it's corny, but I ABSOLUTELY believe that you're winning just by being out there. I admire the shit out of all of you, just for showing up.
You're strong, you're brave, and you're an absolute badass, whether you feel that way or not.
Just figured some of you could use a reminder of that fact.
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