Patterning and cutting out the fabric for my husband's very first competition costume!
After a lot of debate, he decided on the theme from Star Trek: The Next Generation for his freeskate program.
It's got a good tempo, he likes it, it showcases one of his fandoms, and he'll get to wear a cosplay. Boom. Perfect choice!
Next choice: Which colour?
Red doesn't look good on him... and sounds like a bad idea for ones first skating competition.
Yellow would be most appropriate (engineering), but he hates the colour.
Blue, though? Favourite colour AND one that looks best on him.
So we did it:

Patterning and cutting

Start of the top

Decided to make matching skate covers, for a more uniform look at the bottom.
And the final costume:
About the Number of Pips to Use
Actual discussion on how many pips we should put on my husband's "Star Trek" program costume:
*Discussion of the meaning of each number*
Me: I don't know that "captain" works with "Science officer". I'm not even sure if "commander" works, for that matter
Porter : yeah, but I think I want 3 pips anyway. 2 is just like... 1 step above a rookie.
Me: I like 3, aesthetically. Maybe we should give you 1 though... You WILL be in the intro category, after all...
Porter: WHY DON'T YOU JUST MAKE ME A RED SHIRT? Then I'll just fall.
About the Comm Badge
Before anyone comes for me about that comm badge...
We took it off his "First Contact" costume because getting a TNG badge here is OBSCENE.
As I just told someone else... "Star Trek Accessories" and "Good Deal" do not exist in the same space, when that space is Canada.
Also he's only going to wear it like 2-3 times.
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