SO, my husband learned to skate less than a year ago, and he's already got a more ridiculous skating wardrobe than any male skater I've ever known.
Really, probably more than most of the women, too!
Figured I'd share some of the nonsense, because it's a lot of fun!
First of all - back when he first started in January - I made him a pair of fake Blue Skys pants.

Designed to be like my first pair of Blue Skys pants, only my second stripe was purple, not darker blue. I still need to screen something on the other leg, still not sure what!
Then I followed that up with 2 more pairs of un-silkscreened fake Blue Skys pants in different styles... and a pair of plain black skating pans.
Then I made a bunch of fun bodyshirts - spandex t-shirts attached to briefs:
They fit perfectly!
I love this dork, LOL
Next up, I found some Denim-look Ponte de Roma, so I made him a pair of skating pants that look like jeans!
Then, there was the sushi shirt...
And, most recently, the 2 cat shirts:
Yup, he's been skating for under a year, and this is his practice outfit wardrobe.
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